Program Preferences
General Setup
- Overview - Getting Started
- Workstation Install
- Supported Environments for Chronicle
- Understanding Chronicle Backups
- How to change the default IP address for logging into Chronicle
- Problems Logging in from a Home Office
Employee Setup
Non-employee Setup
Management Oversight.
Setting up and Troubleshooting Email.
- Setting up a domain hosted with Google to work in Chronicle
- IMap Email Aliases In Chronicle for Multiple People
- Setting up a domain hosted with Exchange to work in Chronicle
- Email Provider requirements
- Chronicle Email FAQ
- How-To Copy new customer data manually to QuickBooks
Customizing Folders.
Main System Setup (MSS)
MSS > Categories Tab
- Category Types
- VIDEO Category Overview 0:40
- VIDEO Categories for Jobs 2:39
- Working with Categories
- Company Office Location Categories
- Group Type Categories
MSS > City/Zip/Region Tab
MSS > Departments Tab > General Subtab
- Overview - Why Departments?
- Cataloging Jobs with Departments
- Benefits of Using Departments
- Standard List of Departments
- Getting to the Department List
- Adding and Editing Departments
MSS > Departments Tab > Activities Subtab
MSS > Departments Tab > Document Subtab
- Overview - Setting up Documents
- Converting ChronText to Word
- Templates in Chronicle
- Creating Templates with Job/Customer Info
- Creating a Purchase Order Template
- Job/Customer Info You Can Add to Docs
MSS > Departments Tab > Automatic Rules Subtab
MSS > Departments Tab > Required Roles Subtab
MSS > Departments Tab > Employee Subtab
MSS> Departments> Cost Projections
MSS > Departments Tab > QuickBooks Subtab
MSS > Divisions Tab
MSS > Email & Fax Tab
- IMAP Email Set-up in Chronicle
- Setting Up Chronicle to Distribute Email
- Chronicle Email Configuration
- Default Communication Settings in Chronicle
- Assigning Email Addresses to Employees
- Getting to the Fax Settings
MSS > Equipment Tab
MSS > InfoPanel Tab
MSS > Job Tab
MSS > Labor/Budget Tab
MSS > Purchase Order Tab
MSS > Program Links Tab
MSS > Scheduler Tab
MSS > Security Tab
- Overview
- Changing Employee Security Levels
- Setting Security Levels for Different Options in Chronicle
- Making Exceptions for Specific People
- What Different Security Contexts Control
- Parts of Chronicle that Anyone Can Use (No Security Context)