Security Context | Parts of Chronicle this context affects |
ADDJOBCALENDAR | Add an event to a calendar for a job. |
ALLACCOUNTINGVIEW | View any information on the financial tab, management graphs, and Profitability Snapshot. |
ALLJOBVIEW | Allows user to only see the job cost tab; initial bid/sold price; over all cost projections; invoices, and labor hours. |
EDITDEPARTMENT | Add or change departments in the setup. This also controls whether you can delete required documents from the list in the setup. |
EDITEVENT | Change or reschedule any event on the calendar. |
EDITMASTERREPORT | Change Data Views (not something you want to mess with anyway). |
EDITPASSWORD | Change a password for someone other than yourself if you don't know that user's password. |
EDITSYSTEMCATEGORY | Add, change, or delete categories in the setup. |
EDITSYSTEMPANEL | Edit system panel pages, that is the panels that all users see if they haven’t created their own custom panels. |
LABORENTRYFORANOTHER | Enter or look at labor hours for anyone other than oneself. |
PAYABLEVIEW | Look at payable information (available under Other Views on the Financial tab). |
PAYRATECHANGE | Change an employee's pay rate and other information on the H/R tab for an employee. (If an employee’s security level is lower than this, the pay rate doesn’t appear at all in the employee’s H/R tab.) |
PAYROLLVIEW | Look at or print the payroll report. |
PERSONALINFOVIEW | Look at the Additional Info tab within the Personal Profile Info for a person. (This tab contains the SSN and driver’s license number.) |
SUPERVISOREDIT | Change an accounting ID, change a job’s billing or collections departments, add or change activities in the setup, delete surveys, delete questions from surveys, delete or rename document templates, change an activity’s completion date, delete an activity from a job, change or delete equipment, change a person’s security level, make a person inactive (that is, deleted) |
JobPOView | Controls whether you can look at what's on the PO tab in the job file and use the Purchase Order Manager. |
JobPOAddEdit | Controls whether you can add PO's and edit PO's you've added. (This doesn't let you change approved or paid PO's unless you also meet the security level to approve/mark paid.) |
JobPOEditIfByAnother | Controls whether you can change PO's someone else has added. |
JobPODelete | Controls whether you can delete and undelete PO's. |
JobPOApprove | Controls whether you can approve PO's and edit approved PO's. |
JobPOMarkPaid | Controls whether you can mark PO's paid and edit paid PO's. |
VIEWBUDGET | Look at a job’s budget. |
VIEWEMPLOYEEJOURNAL | Use the journal manager (lets managers see all journals written by everyone during a particular date range), look at the journals for another employee. |
VIEWJOBLABOR | See the list of all labor hours for a job. |
VIEWJOBCOST | Allows user to view the job cost tab and all the financials including labor records. |
Setting one level higher than VIEWJOBCOST will limit who can see employee names in labor records on the job cost screen.ALLJOBVIEW |
These three security contexts provide three levels of view for the job cost screen. For definitions view in chart above:
ALLJOBVIEW and VIEWJOBCOST = (recommended - both to level 5)
JOBCOSTDETAILSHOWNAMES = at least one level higher than the other two (recommended level 6)
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