Chronicle has certain report generators that match up financial and production data to job roles. By requiring that a job role be added to a job file, will require that the person who filled that role also be added, thus ensuring that the key people on the job are identified.
The Required Roles tab within the Departments tab in the Main System Setup lets you specify which roles must be on the job. For example, you might specify that for a Water job, the roles of Adjuster and Estimator are required and that Chronicle should warn if there's no Referrer. Or you may have several employees that are assigned to different jobs and work from the office - their role is coordinator.
You need to know who that is on a job by job basis but people are forgetting to associate that person. Simply add that as a role and then prevent the user from not adding them to the job file. Not only can you add role requirements but you can change or remove requirements as needed. And since these roles are departmentally based, you can copy role requirements from department to department.
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