There are a couple of ways in which you can customize security settings for various things done in Chronicle. You can set the level for everyone and/or you can create exceptions for specific people.
To get to these settings: go to the red globe in the upper left hand corner of Chronicle and open Setup> Security tab> What Each Level Can Do sub-tab.
1. You can raise or lower the level for each security context option. These settings are carefully balanced so you would want to only make a change to them when you have tried the default settings first. To change just double click or select and click the button 'Edit Context Security Level' and raise or lower the number.
2. You can create exceptions for certain employees. Select the context and click the button 'Change Exceptions' to the right and select the employee you want to be excepted to do that particular action.
Here is a real case situation:
You might want to create an exception if you have given your accountants and the production mangers a security level of 6. Since the default setting to run the accounting bridge from Chronicle's Financial tab is security level 7 you might want your accountants to be able to run the bridge but not the production managers. In this case, you would create an exception for each accountant. Then Chronicle would know that to the run the internal bridge you would need to be a level 7 or be one of the accountants who are level 6.
For details on what each context controls, see What Different Security Contexts Control.
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