Working with Journals/Emails
Journals in Chronicle contain all communications about the job/person the journal is about. This includes all emails, faxes, texts, and notes entered.
- Viewing an email thread as individual emails
- Sending and Receiving Email
- Predefined Text Blocks
- Sending a Text Message
- Sending and Receiving Faxes
- Sending a Mass Email
- Associating an Email with a Job or Person
- Embed image and URL into signature
- Monitoring Journals
- Viewing Journal and Email History
- Editing or Deleting Journals
- Searching Journals
- Moving and Printing Journals
- Using, Combining, and Splitting Threads
- Formatting Journals
- Creating Reminders from Journals
- Choosing Recipients
- AutoReply to Incoming Email
- Getting a Deleted Email Back
- Why a Journal for a Person doesn't Necessarily Go to that Person
- Missing Journals for Employees
- Associating an Email with a Person