Formatting the journal text
Use the buttons in the bar above the message, or use standard shortcut keys. For example, Ctrl-X cuts, Ctrl-C copies, and Ctrl-V pastes. Ctrl-Z undoes your last change; Ctrl-y redoes a change that you just undid. Ctrl-B and Ctrl-Shift-B both toggle bold on and off, Ctrl-I and Ctrl-Shift-I toggle italic, and Ctrl-U and Ctrl-Shift-U toggle underline.
Insert Button:
- Detail about (person, organization, or job): provides quick easy information about the associated entity such as name/customer, address, phone, etc.
- Insert Hyperlink: This lets you insert a hyperlink into an email (for example, a link to your company's Web page) with user-friendly text. The first line shows the text you want the reader to see. The second line is the actual URL or web address for the hyperlink. If you want the user to see the actual address then simply type it in both places.
- Link to Image: allows you to put logos/graphics/pictures into your signature or body of email. In the Link to Image screen there is a button that explains how to do that.
- Predefined Text: Insert a block of predefined text. You can do the same thing by pressing the Ins key while the cursor is in the Journal Text entry.
- Text from file: If you are creating an HTML this lets you import a web page from any hosted source. This lets you send an email that has links to pictures and other graphics. Only links to the pictures are sent rather than the pictures themselves, keeping the size of the email down.
Edit Button:
Contains the cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, fonts, color features and ability to set a default font.
Attach Docs Button:
When you click on this button, it opens a screen for you to choose where you would like to get the document(s) from, for example: person, office, job, folders, or task. Once you make your selection, the documents associated to the selection will be listed. Simply highlight and click Associate to Journal. This is the same as attaching a document to an email.
Tools Button:
- Print: simply prints the body of the email.
- Spell Check: Even though the text box does automatically alert you when a word is spelled in correctly, you can also check the spelling manually of the journal subject and text. To only check part of the message, select the text before clicking the Spell button. If the spell checker finds any potential errors, it shows a box like this:
- Save Text to File: saves the body of the text on your hard drive to an HTML file for web viewing.
- Dictionary: This opens an internet dictionary so you can look a word up.
- Create Reminder: Allows you to send a reminder to yourself and/or any other employees associated to the job which will appear in your/their email box on the date/time that you choose.
- Read Aloud: will actually read the email aloud to you!
Other Formatting features:
You can change the font or font size for all or just a section of text in the email. Lets you create bold or italic text and align portions of the text and create bullets.
After you select on recipient for this journal entry you will see these:
- Priority: In the upper right hand corner you will see a drop down for Normal, Low, or Urgent priority. What effect this has (if any) depends on the receiving email program. This entry only appears if you’ve entered recipients above; it doesn’t apply if you’re just saving the message.
- Send From: At the bottom of the screen. If you are sending a message, and if you have more than one email address entered in Chronicle, indicate which of your email addresses to send the message from. This entry only appears if you’ve entered recipients above; it doesn’t apply if you’re just saving the message.
- Request Read Receipt: If you are sending a message and want to get an email back telling you when the recipient has read your message, check this box. Then when the recipient reads your message, you'll get an email back telling you that the message was read. (This only works if the recipient's email system supports return receipts.)
Cancel, Send, Save, & Close:
To discard any changes you’ve made and to close the add journal screen simply click on the 'X' in the upper right had corner. To send you must click send in the lower right corner and save & close merely saves the journal as a note. Chronicle does not have a save draft feature so that you can start an email and finish it tomorrow. Remember, you can edit a journal on the day you make one but not after. Chronicle is tracking all journal entries.
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