Before you can send out an email blast you must first decide who to send it to, then create a group for them, and place them in it. From the journal entry screen you will be able to select the group and send and email to all of them provided you have saved their email to the person file.
Sending to the Selected Group: Once you’ve selected a group, the list will show up in the recipients list. All you need do now it use key board short cuts to select those you wish to send to. If you want all, click on the first one in the list and scroll down to shift-click on the last one. This will select all in the list. Then click on the Bcc button to send them to the blind copy field. Lastly find yourself in the system and add your email to the To field. That way no one knows to whom you sent the email to.
Using Groups Created by Others: If others have created groups and made them public, you can get to those groups by selecting to view All Groups.
Sending to Active Employees: Click the Employees button to see a list of all active employees. Use key board short cuts to select - click on the first one / shift-click on the last one to select all. Or use crt-click to select certain ones.
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