Mapping items in the Chart of Accounts with Chronicle
Chronicle imports invoice and payable data from QuickBooks which can be viewed line by line from the Chronicle Job Cost screen. Often payables can list expenses such as temp labor, materials, and subcontractor costs. By default these costs are pushed into Chronicle from QuickBooks as one number. If you want to see greater detail for these costs, you can from within Chronicle separate these costs. (Employee labor is still entered in Chronicle.)
For Chronicle to do this, you need to make sure that you have set up your Chart of Account so that it contains separate accounts for expenses such as temp labor or materials. Then when creating payables each line item expense should be associated to the correct item in the Chart of Accounts, then classed to the correct department, as well as linked to the correct customer, and job.
Once the payable, which contains the data for the different expense accounts, has been bridge to Chronicle, you can, from within the job costing screen, mark these accounts as temp labor or materials for all jobs that use that particular expense account.
Once you have marked the accounts in Chronicle as a temp labor account, the job cost screen will now have additional fields for temp labor and materials costs thus giving you more in depth job cost detail.
Here is how to do this. Once you have a job that has payables in it from QuickBooks:
Go to Job Costing screen of a job you wish to mark expense accounts for.
- Click on the Subcontracting & Materials tab.
- Select one of the entries and click on the button that says “assign account type”.
- Then assign the payable type as either material; temp labor; or sub & materials (default setting).
Once you have done this for a particular account you do not need to do it again on a different job as it will be marked for all jobs using that expense account.
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