One of Chronicle’s benefits is that it lets you find very specific groups of people, organizations, jobs, etc. For example, suppose you didn’t just want a list of customers, but you wanted customers who had been entered during the last eight days. Or suppose you didn’t just want a list of subcontractors but a list of subcontractors who do carpet installation. Or a list of prospects in a particular zip code. Or all jobs that a particular insurance adjuster is associated with. Chronicle lets you limit your lists in all of these ways and more, making it a powerful tool for managing and finding just what you want in the information it contains.
You will find on the People, Jobs, Organizations, and Equipment tabs there are two sets of choices that control what is listed: searches and filters; understanding both of these options is critical for making sure you're seeing the most current information.
The options on the left cause Chronicle to check the server for fresh information. The information listed is based on the last option you used. For example, suppose you chose All Jobs by Status so you could see all active jobs. Two days later, if you hadn't used another of these options, you'll still see the same list; you won't see the jobs that became active after you generated the list, and you'd still see jobs that were marked as completed after you generated it. You'd have to use All Jobs by Status again to get a current list of active jobs. Each time you use one of the options on the left, Chronicle gets the latest information from the server.
In contrast, the filters further limit the information collected the last time you used one of the options on the left, but they don't cause Chronicle to get the latest information from the server; only the options on the left cause Chronicle to get the latest information. The filters merely let you take the set of information that you got and see it in different ways or see selected portions of it.
Here, we won’t show every possible way you can limit your lists, but we’ll give you a few examples. This should be enough to give you the idea; from these you should be able come up with other options on your own.
Generating a list of all active jobs for a department: Suppose you wanted to identify all active emergency service jobs. You could generate this list by doing this:
- Go to the Jobs tab.
- Under Department Jobs by, click Status.
- Choose the appropriate department.
- Choose the status of the activity.
Active refers to jobs that are scheduled but not finished.
Complete refers to jobs that are done.
Pending refers to jobs that haven’t been scheduled.
Terminated refers to jobs that were canceled before you finished them.
For our example, you would choose Active.
Generating a list of all of your active jobs: While we don't recommend using statuses for people on jobs, if you use them, you can filter by them.
- Under All Jobs by, click Related Person & Status.
- On the status screen, Active is already selected, so just click Next to continue.
- On the search screen, type the initial letters of your ID (the one you use when logging into Chronicle) until your name is shown. You could also search for someone else here to find all active jobs for that person. That could be an employee, a subcontractor, an adjuster, or anyone else associated with the job.
- Once your name is shown, click Next to continue.
If you only want jobs where you have a particular role (for example, you only want jobs where you are the Project Manager), instead find Status & Role under Assoc. Person.
Getting a list of a particular type of activities that aren’t scheduled yet: Suppose you wanted a list of carpet cleaning jobs that weren’t scheduled yet. You could do this:
- Go to the Jobs tab.
- In the column at the left, select All Jobs By and find Activity & Status.
- Next choose the department that the type of activity you want is associated with.
- Choose the activity that you wanted a list of.
- Choose the status of the activity.
Active refers to jobs that are scheduled but not finished.
Complete refers to jobs that are done.
Pending refers to jobs that haven’t been scheduled.
Terminated refers to jobs that were canceled before you finished them.
Making the list include everyone: For example, if you want to see all the jobs you have put into Chronicle, use a date range search.
- Go to the Jobs tab.
- Under All Jobs by, click Date Range.
- For the Starting Date, enter a date that is far in the past. Any date that is before you started entering people in Chronicle will work. Changing the year to 1900 is easy and always works.
- Leave today’s date for the Ending Date.
- Click Next.
Chronicle lists everyone added between those dates (which happens to be everyone).
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