If needed, filter the list so that it only includes the people you want. For example, if you want to send a mailing to all of your prospects, you would limit the list to just prospects.
Check the people, jobs, or organizations you want to print for. To select individuals on the list: Click in the box next to the name to check or uncheck that name. (You must click in the box; simply clicking the name isn’t enough.) To select everyone on the list: Right click anywhere on the list to bring up a menu. On that menu, click Select All. To select most of the people on the list: Right click anywhere on the list to bring up a menu. On that menu, click Select All. Then uncheck the boxes for anyone on the list you don’t want to include.
At the top left of the screen, click Options, highlight Print, and then click either Print Labels or Print List.
If you are printing labels, choose the appropriate label format. labels across: Choose 2 Across, 3 Across, or 4Across. label brand: Current options are Avery 5160, Avery 5161, Avery 5162, Avery 5163. Even if you have some other brand of labels, one of these options may match the size of your labels. sort by: Choose whether to sort by last name or zip code. When ready to print, click Generate Labels.
In the Report Setup (that is, the print options) box, click the radio button next to Printer, and then click OK to continue. To preview the labels on the screen first: Click Preview and then click OK. If you do this, you can click the printer icon at the top of the preview screen to print the labels. To print to a different printer than the one shown: Click Setup and choose the printer you want there.
When done, click the in the top right corner of the window to close the window.
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