NEW Activity View: In the Chronicle Job manager, you can now view a more detailed activity list in our UWP App. To access this, Use the Activity tab in the Job manager. Right-click on the activity you would like to view details for and choose View “Name of activity” (Requires UWP App).
If you do not have the UWP App this will prompt you to install it from the Microsoft Store.
This new view is pre-filtered to show documents and journal notes for the specific activity you have chosen.
NEW Chronicle Text Experience: Chronicle now offers a new Chronicle Text experience through our UWP App.
NEW QB Online updates for Collection Manager: There is a filter icon in the column header to sort receivables by that column. Also, the notes and current action fields now allow you to clear, add, or edit information in that field.
NEW: Right Signature now has an icon in the top right to add signed documents using the Chronicle UWP App.
NEW way to set up email:For those of you who are still running a catch-all email configuration (Usually a Tierranet account), this is to inform you of a new and better way to manage and receive your email. We are recommending that our customers switch to individual IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) accounts as our integration is more stable and has more functionality with IMAP rather than with a catch-all mailbox. Migrating to IMAP is easy. Click here to read more.
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