Regardless of how you choose to add or edit an event, you will see a screen like the one shown below. (Some settings vary depending on what event type you choose.)
The ares of the screen are as follows:
Resources you can assign: You can edit and sort resources using three types of groups: my resources, personnel, and department. To see these resource group you must first create the groups you need.
Add me: This button lets you add you yourself to the event.
Someone else: Lets you assign a person or organization to an event that is not listed in any group. For example you are meeting the customer's contact person at the job site.
Hide Unavailable: If you check this box, you will not see who is unavailable for the selected event. Note: Chronicle will let you double book someone.
Hours Scheduled: This can only be seen if you have checked Show hours in current pay week found in the Customization Options for the Scheduler. Viewing these hours gives you the ability to see who is scheduled into overtime hours for the week so you can pick someone else and avoid overtime pay.
Event Type: Choose the type of event and additional options such as job, department, and location, will appear for you to choose from depending on the event type you selected.
- Job: Creates a job related event. If you started in the job file, this may already be selected.
- Marketing/Sales: Create a marketing event that details out who and what the event is for.
- Our Company: Create an event for the company, pick a department (administration) and an activity (office meeting) to schedule.
- Personal: Create a personal event, such as a doctor's appointment, so that a person will be unavailable for job scheduling purposes.
- Other: For any other type of event that you may need to create on a schedule that details out whom and what the event is for.
Department/Activities: Lets you choose the department and activities that the event is for. If you’re adding a job-related event, there is a drop-down lists any departments associated with the job. The list to the right shows activities that are in those departments.. To associate particular activities with this event, check the corresponding boxes. You can view All complete and incomplete activities or just view the Incomplete activities. If you wish to schedule an activity that was not added to the job, right click in the activities list and you will get a menu that lets you select an activity that was not added to the job. This will also add the new activity to the job's active column.
Location: You can add in the location of the event. The location will be displayed next to the Event Title on the Scheduler screen.
Event For: Some events, like marketing events, are for a Person, Office, or Group rather than a job. Select who the event is for.
Private: If the event is for yourself, the Private checkbox appears and is checked by default. Others can see that you are busy, but only you can see the event’s details.
Event Title: This appears on the Scheduler screen. For job events, Chronicle automatically fills in the customer name for the event title; you can add additional information if needed.
Description: If needed, enter a brief description of the event; this appears on the Scheduler display. (If you need more information, place it in the notes section.)
Time: This allows you to set the start and stop times manually by either typing the time or using the drop down list of times. If you draw the event on the Scheduler, the time will already be set. You can even select no specific time. This event will be placed in the all-day section at the top of each calendar day. Such an event can later be dragged to the scheduler.
Occurs: All events default to occurring only once. You can change this to allow for reoccurring events. Changing Only Once to any other option gives you a set of recurrence options depending on which option you choose. For daily events, you can include or exclude weekend days. For example, if you choose Daily, you then choose to include weekends and schedule an event to start Friday and go for 3 days, that event will be scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. You also set up reoccurring weekly or monthly events.
Who's Assigned: This lists who is going to the event. For example, you started the event on the Scheduler by drawing the time frame. Chronicle will remember whose Scheduler you drew the event on and add them here. You can also drag and drop others to the event or drag and drop to remove them from the event.
Unassigned: If this is an event that you must schedule for a job but you do not yet know who is going to the job, check Unassigned and create the event. It will be stored in the Unassigned Events list waiting for you to drag it to the employee's Scheduler that will going to the event.
Send Email: Check the box to send an email about the event to the person who is assigned to the job. The default setting is no email. (Show/hide screen)
Reminders: Send a reminder to an employee assigned to the event by checking the corresponding box. The drop-down lets you choose how far in advance you’d like them to be reminded. If the event is moved, the reminders will also move so that they are delivered to the time framed you set when originally creating the event. This currently does not work for non-employees.
Notes: Although you can enter brief text in the Title and Description fields, if you want to enter additional notes for an event, use the notes section to do so. You can even check the spelling of the notes. To see this text later, double click on any event to open the event screen and read or edit it.
Save & Close: This saves the event and returns you to the main Scheduler screen.
Save & Add Another: This saves the event and keeps you on the add screen with all of the same options selected so you can easily create multiple events. After saving your event, you can then change employees or activities as needed before saving the next event.
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