You can show or hide the customization options by going to the Tools drop down on the ribbon and choosing Customize Display.
In the all-day section, show:
- Tasks: Check to show all incompleted tasks including completed tasks that have been assigned to you.
- Reminders: Check to show all reminders assigned to you. These reminders will still be delivered to your email according to the day and time originally set but also on the Scheduler so you can look ahead to see what reminders are upcoming. When you have completed them, delete them from the calendar if you wish.
- Key Dates: Check to show key dates assigned to you. These dates are kept each person's file and can be added or edited there. If a date is not assigned to anyone it will not show up unless you check to also view key dates that have not been assigned to anyone.
Maximum all-day event height: You can set the Scheduler to show between 2 and 20 tasks, reminders, and/or key dates in the all-day section. If you have more than your height setting allows, a scroll bar to the right will appear so that you know there are more to view and can scroll through them.
Auto-refresh: Set refresh to never and you must do a manual refresh when you need to. Or set it to refresh anywhere between 1 and 60 minutes. Those events that you create or edit will show on the Scheduler when you save them. However, if someone else creates an event for the Scheduler you are working with, it will not show up until the Scheduler on your screen is refreshed.
Show daily view in minutes: You can set the Scheduler to show 15, 30 or 60 minutes sections when in the column mode.
Week start day: You choose the day of the week you want the scheduler to start on.
7 Day Week format: View the 7-day Scheduler in columns which can include columns for Saturday and Sunday. Or view the 7-day Scheduler as a grid with Saturday and Sunday combined.
InfoPanel setting: Check to auto-hide the InfoPanel, if no event is selected. This give you more room on the screen.
Personal event setting: You can choose whether to see personal events in the whole company view or not.
Name format: You can view names by either first name first or last name first.
Double-clicking empty calendar area: either opens a new generic event or open that employee's calendar in a new window.
When adding from job/job manager, show: either my resources or employees associated to the department per the settings in the Main System Setup.
In job file activities, "Schedule" button should: show you the schedule so you can draw an event or take you directly to the add event screen.
In job file calendar, ribbon bar should start: visible or hidden.
On Add screen, changing start time should: select to adjust the end time keeping the length the same or adjust the length keeping the end time the same.
Confirming if ... If you move an unassigned event, you have a choice to confirm or not the move to a different day than originally scheduled and have the deletion of a non-recurring event confirmed that you want to delete it.
Resource list: In addition to the View Settings, you can choose to view or not view individual views or groups views. This list is always visible on the add event screen. If you choose to see the resource list you can also select whether to see the Hours Scheduled or not. This will be most useful if you need to create events with no one yet assigned to go. Then when you need to schedule who is going to an event, view the list for Unassigned Events and drag and drop the event onto the calendar of someone who is available and has not yet reached overtime.
When adding an event & no one is added: Sometimes you may need to create an event but you do not yet know who is going. This setting determines whether to assume this is intentional and create the event anyway or make the user confirm that they meant to not associate anyone to the event.
When adding an event not tied to a specific context, assume the event type is: This selection determines the default selection of the event type. For example, is most of your events are for jobs then select the job type.
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