The Dashboard calendar tile will now take you to the new calendar!
You may have recently installed a new Adobe Acrobat (PDF) update that produced errors when used with Chronicle. This update fixes the issues with Adobe 11. You can read more about the error message here.
Overview of the Most Notable Changes
Program Enhancements: We have added some enhancements to how you use the program.
- Tools Menu has moved: We have moved the Tools from a bar on the Home Tab to a Chronicle Icon visible on any tab.
Chronicle’s new Calendar: There are a couple of ways you can test drive the new Calendar.
Calendar Enhancements: Take a look at the enhancements we have put into the new calendar.
Chronicle’s new Dashboards: Give you access to business analytical data in a graphical way and then lets you drill into that data.
- Dashboard Enhancements: You now have more control over the use of dashboard that gives you the ability to drive action in Chronicle.
- Miscellaneous: We’ve made a variety of other changes and bug fixes.
The Dashboard calendar tile will now take you to the new calendar!
Program Enhancements:
- Automatic Rules: Previously, when setting up automatic rules for departments, rules could only perform actions within the current department or a rule could make another department active. We have now added the ability for a rule to perform an action on another department’s activities. For example, a job, with two concurrently active departments, could have a rule for department A that would move an activity in department B from pending to active.
- Collections Manager: When filtering by employee or non-employee, you can now restrict the list to invoices for jobs where the selected person has any role or a specific role.
- Viewing Maps: Added mapping ability for jobs, people, and organizations. A right click on a person, organization, or job in a list will now give you the option of seeing a map of where they are located.
- Deleting People: You can now more easily delete people by right click on their name in the list and select “delete person” instead of opening up their person file to delete them.
- Permanently Delete: Security level 7 can now permanently delete email and documents from the server, such as emails and docs that contain customer credit card information.
- Bonus Manager: Added an option to include a column for the payment date.
- Surveys: To require a survey for a particular department you must add that survey to the job by using an automatic rule in the Main System Setup. This will cause Chronicle to enforce the survey’s required answer for that department.
- Go to the Departments tab
- Select the department
- Go to the Automatic Rules sub-tab
- Create a rule that adds/edits the survey when the department is added or when some activity is completed.
Tools Menu
Chronicle has moved the tools menu to the large Chronicle Icon button in the upper left corner of Chronicle which is visible on all tabs. There you can edit which tools to view, unpin content, view your version number and see your Chronicle Support ID. You can pin jobs, documents, people, and organizations to this list for easy access. You will find the "pin button" on the jobs, people, or organizations tabs or for the documents from within in the files of jobs, people, or organizations. When you want to unpin content click on the "unpin content" button found on the Tools Menu and select which ones you want to unpin.
Chronicle’s current calendar is still functional and on the Calendar tab. However, to view the new Calendar click on the “Test New Calendar” button which you will find in the ribbon on the main Calendar tab. Or go to a job file, highlight an activity, and select the “Schedule” button. This will open the new calendar. On the calendar grid you can highlight the time frame of the event which will automatically open the “New Calendar Event” box or click on the "Add" button and it will open. Then complete the various parts of the event details and save.
Calendar Enhancements
- When adding a calendar event, checking the box in the Send Email column next to assigned people now creates an email.
- Since various buttons affect the selected event (Edit, Delete, Add to Event, etc.), we have made it more obvious which event is selected. We added a red border to the selected event to make they stand out more.
- We have added spell checking to title, description, and notes entries on the calendar add/edit screen.
- Assign someone else (above the resource list on the calendar screen and on the Add/Edit screen) lets you assign any person to the event. This includes both employees and non-employees; it lets you add someone to the event who is not in the current set of resources.
The Calendar settings in the Main System Setup now have an option for warning the user if the user tries to change an event that’s already been imported into labor.
- A new security context (CALENDAREDITIFIMPORTEDTOLABOR, defaults to 6) prevents users who don’t meet the security context from making changes to the imported event.
- A new security context (CALENDAREDITFORSELF, defaults to 3) lets users edit events for themselves. If set to a lower security level than the security context for editing events for others (EDITEVENT), this will let users change their own events without being able to edit events for others.
- Events added with the new calendar now show the correct color on the old calendar. Events added with either old or new calendar now show correct color on new calendar.
- Added Edit Task on the right-click menu for tasks in the all-day section of the calendar.
- Show Map added to right-click menu of any event to view where the event is located.
- Send Email added to right-click menu. When address is added to an email, the link is actually a hyperlink to a Google map of that event location.
- Can now assign equipment to an event by dragging from my resources
- You can use keyboard shortcut key. Esc now cancels, and Ctrl-S does the same as Save and Close.
- If My Resources or a personnel group has been sorted into a custom order, this order is now used for display.
- *NEW Audit Log: Audit log option enabled on Tools menu. Following actions are now logged: Add event, edit event, delete event, drag start/end time, move unassigned event.
- *NEW Email Improvements: Address added to email (address in email is a hyperlink to a google map). HTML formatting added.Send Email added to right-click menu.
*NEW Resource Order Now Used for Calendar columns: if My Resources or a personnel group has been sorted into a custom order, this order is now used for display.
- *NEW Security check to prevent calendar changes for past dates: This is controlled by the security context CALENDAREDITFORPASTDATE. In addition, a setting on the Calendar tab in the main setup lets you control whether people who do meet the context get warned if they try to edit a past event.
- *NEW Security check to prevent edits to events on dates with imported events: This is controlled by the security context CALENDARADDEDITIFDATEHASIMPORTEDEVENTS. This also prevent adding events for those same dates.
- *NEW Resource list now shows who is available in calendar view: If an event is clicked on the calendar, the resource now shows who is available/unavailable at that time. (This feature was available on the add/edit screen, but not in the calendar view.)
- *NEW Additional Detail shown on calendar event: Event now shows detail about event location (city), activities, and assigned people.
- *NEW Additional Faster Opening of Calendar and Faster performance on the Add screen
- *NEW Corrected Edit Checking when adding an event: When adding a new event, the calendar incorrect reported a conflict if the start time matched the end time of an existing event, or if the end time matched the start time of the following event. For example, if you had an event from 8:00-10:00, and you added a new event that started at 10:00, the calendar incorrectly saw 10:00 as being part of both events and hence conflicting. We’ve fixed this.
- *NEW Preference for Schedule button in Job file: By default, schedule button in job file takes you to the calendar when you can draw a box on the calendar to pick the event person and date/time, but new preference in the calendar customization options now gives a choice about this button lets you draw the event on the calendar or go direction to the event screen.
- *NEW Personnel group creation/modification: Added ability to add or change personnel groups from the calendar by right-clicking the group or by using the Tools menu.
- *NEW Progress bar: When refreshing calendar, progress bar for calendar previously showed up over other windows even if the calendar was minimized. The progress bar now is contained within the calendar window so it doesn’t show up elsewhere.
- *NEW Email Improvements: Address added to email (address in email is a hyperlink to a google map). HTML formatting added. Send Email added to right-click menu.
- *NEW Resource Order Now Used for Calendar columns: if My Resources or a personnel group has been sorted into a custom order, this order is now used for display.
Calendar Customization Options:
- The calendar preferences are still at the bottom of the calendar screen and you can still hide them. However, w have moved the Customize Display button from the main calendar screen and added Hide Customization Options to the Tools button located at the top of the calendar and also added Hide Customization Options to the right-click menus.
- Moved check boxes for determining name order, whether resources are shown, and whether resource hours are shown to the customization options rather than below the resource list.
- Added a new preference to determine format of 7-day week. It can display as columns or a grid.
- Checkbox Single-click Creates Event in the customization section determines whether a single click on the calendar adds a new event or not.
Calendar Bug Fixes:
- Personal event causes error when saving. Error introduced in Calendar Fixed.
- Add Job Journal menu option incorrectly showing for non-job-related events. Fixed.
- Drawing a box on the calendar doesn't create an event if single-click option isn't checked. Fixed.
Add Job Journal menu option incorrectly showing for non-job-related events. Fixed.
- Drawing a box on the calendar doesn’t create an event if single-click option isn’t checked. Fixed.
- Calendar not refreshed after removing person from event. Fixed.
- Calendar not refreshed after dragging person onto event. Fixed.
We welcome feedback and suggestions: please email your input to feedback@gochronicle.com
Much like the heat gauge on the dashboard of your car, Chronicle’s dashboards will give you, at a glance, high-level metrics of your business using key performance indicators and pivot grids. Patterns will emerge telling you how your business is doing in real time. Once you have created your dashboards you can drill down into the data by clicking on the tile. To learn more view: Chronicle KPI Dashboards
Dashboard Enhancements:
Sharing Dashboards: You can now assign a dashboard and its tiles to a person by sharing it with them. The person you share with can manipulate the data of the tile but cannot save any changes. This lets you maintain control over the settings of dashboard and tile and gives you the ability to use the dashboards to drive action in Chronicle.
- To share a dashboard and all its tiles go to the customize dashboard button in the ribbon> in the Dashboard Editor select the dashboard you want to share> click on the "share" button> locate the person to share with> click ok. This will create the dashboard and tiles just as you have them setup.
- To share a single tile with someone go to the pivot grid of that tile> go to the options button and select share tile> locate person to share with> click ok. This will either create a new dashboard and tile just like yours or will add the tile to an identically named dashboard on the shared person's home tab.
New Tile Categories: Now you can look at the summary data for documents and marketing that will drive action in Chronicle to update the data.
- Documents: You will be able to look at the number of documents stored for any given department and can break that down by document name, how much space they take up on your Chronicle server, what are the number of required docs added per department, what percentage were on time, and more.
- Marketing tasks and expenses: You can view marketing expenses by who expensed it, who it was for and amount. For marketing tasks you can view what activities the marketers did, what the status of the task is, who it was concerning, and more.
We welcome feedback and suggestions: please email your input to feedback@gochronicle.com
Miscellaneous Fixes:
- Entering amounts in budget was not saving properly. This is now fixed.
- *NEW Fixed, you can now change the number for labor that you enter into the budget.
Bonus Manager:
- *NEW Rules based on a labor percentage when the overall gross profit was a negative amount were not calculating correctly. Fixed.
- *NEW Bonuses paid per job as a whole for multiple department jobs was not showing revenue correctly. Fixed.
Collections Manager:
- Comments were not correctly showing. Fixed.
- Selecting search fields for an email search was unselecting search fields that were already selected. Fixed.
Group Manager:
- *NEW Now opens in the task bar instead of behind other screens.
Job File:
- No longer do duplicate roles show for organizations associated in the job file on the contacts tab.
- Organization roles in job file can now be changed or added.
- The audit log now tracks who added a document requirement to the job file.
- When deleting departments, all unmet document requirements will now also be deleted.
- When a person is associated to multiple organizations and you wish to associate them and the organization to a job, you are now able to choose the correct organization for the job.
- If a department view was showing, which had no activities, the job would not close. Can now close a job file regardless of the last department view selected.
- After adding a new job the jobs tab will refresh with the new job visible.
- Can now adjust the start date and time when adding a department and its activities to a job.
- *NEW Can now close the job file when current view is filtered to a department with no activities.
- *NEW When deleting departments, the required documents will also be deleted.
- *NEW When creating new jobs and the new file is closed it refreshes to the people tab with the job visible under the customer.
- *NEW For commercial customers, people who were not associated to the job file were showing up in the locate recipients list with a role of customer. This has been fixed.
- *NEW Adding a doc requirement is now audit logged.
- *NEW In the labor manager, earching for division labor that is not job-related no longer throws an error message.
Main System Steup:
- Can undelete key dates and marketing expense categories.
- Able to sort alphabetically the security descriptions in Main System Setup. Added descriptions for all known security contexts so that sorting will work.
- *NEW Creating security exceptions now fixed.
- *NEW One the departments tab to the employees tab> employes are now sorted and listed by first name.
- *NEW Error fixed when trying to view deleted key dates or marketing expense categories.
- *NEW Added descriptions for all known security contexts.
- Organizations will now correctly sort alphabetically regardless of capitalization use.
- Hitting the enter key will no longer affect searches for people.
- *NEW When adding an organization to a group an error message popped up. Error has been fixed.
Viewing videos:
- Added "Chronicle Video" to windows task bar so user can get back to the video even if in background.
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