Job entry in Chronicle goes through three phases; until you master each phase, there's no real gain in trying to go on to the elements in the next phase.
Phase 1 – Core Job Information: When you first start entering jobs in Chronicle, you're seeking to duplicate the information in your paper file: basic info about the job, documents, photos, and messages. At this stage you're also indicating which departments and activities are part of each job, and whether they are waiting to be started, in progress, or completed.
Phase 2 – Core Job Information plus basic monitoring, scheduling, labor tracking, and equipment tracking: Once you've gotten the basic job entry process mastered, you'll then turn on the link to your accounting program so you can use Chronicle to monitor job related financial information: which jobs have outstanding receivables, how many days out each job is, and what your financial totals are for each department and for the company as a whole. You'll also start using the scheduler to schedule work, the labor entry module to track each job's labor costs, and the activity and department managers to see which jobs are on schedule and which aren't. You will probably also start tracking equipment at this point.
Phase 3 – Advanced job information: Once the scheduling, labor entry, and financial monitoring are well established, you're then ready to start using the more advanced features. This includes budgeting, bonuses, purchase order oversight, and managing the collections process.
Click any of the links above for a procedure with the steps in that phase.
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