Beta Release Notes
Overview of the Most Notable Changes
Improved Chronicle reliability: Loss of network connectivity will no longer require you to log back into Chronicle.
Budget Improvements: You can now add supplements and change order amounts to the budget screen.
Program Enhancements: We have added general program enhancements. Check them out!
Miscellaneous Fixes: We have made over 125 bug fixes!
The NEW Scheduler is released! Working with events is now more dynamic when scheduling people, equipment, and organizations to jobs. Give it a try and let us know what you think. You can continue to use the old Calendar and go between them to see the differences.
Budget Improvements
New columns! Whenever an adjuster approves additions to an original estimate (supplement) or a customer adds additional costs to the work on a job (change order), you need to record this and budget accordingly. Chronicle now gives you the choice of entering up to two supplements and two change order amount column to the budget screen. To do so go to the options button and select Show/Hide Columns. Adding just one of these columns will also add a new column for the combined estimate, supplements, and change orders. In addition, you can now add columns for notes, proposed bids and current profit numbers.
Estimate Import! Currently you can import the initial estimate from Xactimate. You can also import any supplements you have created in Xactimate as well. To do so click on Import from Xactimate and from the import by recap category screen, in the lower left choose whether to import as the main estimate, supplement, or supplement2.
Program Enhancements
Audit Logs:
- You are now able to search by date, type of changes, and area of change.
Collections Manager:
- Added sold price as an optional column.
- Able to view receivables filtered by employee in selected role.
Job Description:
- Lengthened the job description field.
- Create a tile to compare initial bid, sold price and revenues.
- To create a Pivot Table that looks at Initial Bids, Sold Price, and Revenue:
- On the Home tab click on customize dashboard screen
- Select dashboard and then select New Tile
- Select Title Category: Financial
- Select Tile: Initial Bid & Sold Price
- Select whatever other settings you need
- Save and close
Site Name:
- The site name field has been lengthened.
- Added as a customization column choice in the labor manager and as a preference for the financial tab in the job manager.
Initial bid/Sold price:
- Date fields have been added on the Depts/Activities tab for the dates of the initial bid and sold price.
Job Manager:
- Added the ability to view the financial status of terminated jobs.
Marketing Manager:
- When viewing contacts by office, you can now expand/collapse all in the list and view summary totals office by office.
Email Notifications:
- The pop up for email notification will now tell you who the email is from.
- The setting to turn notification on or off for new incoming emails is now in the employees person file on the preferences tab.
Bonus Manager:
- When customizing appearance you can now choose to add a column for revenue (i.e. payment - tax & credit memo).
Improved Search features:
- Reminders: It is now easier to search people to set reminders for.
- Organization tab: When searching for organizations there is now a city column.
- Email search: Easier to find information in the body of an email.
Network Connectivity:
- Should you have a loss of network connectivity, Chronicle will now automatically reconnect for you.
- When you wake up your computer from sleep mode Chronicle will reconnect you.
- If switch network connections, Chronicle will reconnect you.
Miscellaneous Fixes
Display Issues:
- Activity due time is now correctly set when editing due date.
- Multiple roles assigned to a person/org in a job file were appearing twice on contacts tab.
- Panel now shows information for an event scheduled for an office.
- Surveys no longer display department name when creating.
- Documents tab inside of an organization file is now fully visible.
- Tasks, key dates, and reminders visible in Scheduler now display appropriate InfoPanels.
Changing an organization from customer to non-customer: You can now change the category from customer to a non-customer once the jobs have been moved to a different customer.
Maps: When the show map window is resized, the maps will now also resize.
Purchase orders: The PO screen now shows who created the PO.
SQL errors: Fixed a number of SQL errors in job files, contacts, group manager, organizations and others.
ServiceMaster: You can now enter Enterprize IDs with hyphens.
Organizations: Now properly sort alphabetically.
Xactimate Import: HEAT, VENT & AIR CONDITIONING can now be imported into budget.
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