Surveys are standard sets of questions that must be answered for a particular type of job. See Setting Up Surveys for Consistent Data Collection for help defining what questions are asked in any survey.
Adding a Survey: Click the Add Survey button. You can also cause surveys to be automatically added when you add a department. To do this, in the Main System Setup on the Departments tab, double-click the Survey to Auto Add column next to any department you want to set up an automatic survey for.
Editing a Survey: Select the survey and then either click Edit Answers over the list of survey questions, or double-click the question you want to edit.
Whether adding or editing a survey, you’ll see a screen like this:
On the screen, you can tab through the entries (shift-tab moves you backwards) or click any question you want. If any entries on this survey are required, the column on the right will tell you so; you won’t see this column at all in no questions have required answers.
When done, just click the X in the right corner of the window to close the survey. (Your changes are saved as you make them.)
You can customize what questions are on your surveys and whether answers are required on the Surveys tab in the Setup. You can customize what survey gets automatically added (if any) when adding a department on the Departments tab in the Setup.
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