You can quickly filter the job list to show jobs that have a particular answer to a survey question (or that have a particular survey question blank, or that don't have the survey at all). (Make sure you understand the difference between the filters and the search options on the left.)
- At the top of the screen, click the Jobs tab.
- To the left of the screen select a search option to pull up a list of jobs.
- In the tool bar click Filter and then highlight Survey.
- Click the option that reflects what you want:
Jobs with a Survey: This lets you pick a department and then a survey associated with that department, and then limits the list to jobs that currently have that survey associated with the job.
Jobs without a Survey: This lets you pick a department and then a survey associated with that department, and then limits the list to jobs that don't have that survey associated with the job.
Job by Survey Answer [=Search]: This lets you pick a department and survey, and then asks you to identify a specific question from that survey. Then it limits the list to all jobs where the answer exactly match the answer you enter.
Jobs by Survey Answer [Containing Search]: This lets you pick a department and survey, and then asks you to identify a specific question from that survey. Then it limits the list to all jobs where the answer contains the text you enter. - The Jobs list will now only show those jobs that have (or that don't have) the survey or survey answer you chose.
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