Chronicle allows you to make notes in the journal of a job and even in a person, organization, or equipment journals. Notes can be important when documenting something that happened at the job site or when a marketer wants to capture a conversation they had with a contact. It is especially good to use when documenting a phone conversation.
The most common way is to simply use the same screen you would use to send an email just do not select anyone to send it to but save instead. The other is to use a Quick Journal or Quick Note which are the same thing.
All that a note requires is to select who it is about if not already selected, a subject line and some text. Then save it. If you do not originate the note from within a job, person, or organization file, the note will be associated to you unless you select something else.
The many places you can add a journal note from:
- Go to the main Email tab > select New Message in the tool bar.
- Go to the Jobs tab and pull a list of jobs then right-click on a job in the list and pick Add Journal or Add a Quick Journal.
- From within a job, person, or organization file, go to the Options tool bar and click on Journal: email/fax or Journal: quick note links.
- Use the GO button found in the tool bar for the Email, People, Organizations, Jobs and Equipment tabs.
- From the Tools Menu> globe in the upper left corner> you may need to add the tool to the list> Journal [Add]> which opens the Journal entry screen.
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