There are several ways to find the Journal entry screen:
- Go to the main Email tab > select New Message in the tool bar.
- Go to the Jobs tab and pull a list of jobs then right-click on a job in the list and pick Add Journal.
- From within a job, person, or organization file, go to the Options tool bar and click on Journal: email/fax link.
- From any job panel click on the Notes & Emails button just above the panel tabs.
- From the Home tab, right click on an email or job to open a journal screen.
Fields on the Screen:
About: Each and every email you send or note you add to the file is about a person, organization, or job. You either start from a job file in which case Chronicle knows who the email is about and or you must do a manual association so that Chronicle knows who or what it is about. If you do not specify a job, Chronicle will associate it to the current person logged in. Select a radio button and Chronicle will open another screen where you can select the job, person, or organization the email is about.
Subject: Type a subject that summarizes what the email or journal is about. This is just like the subject of any email. You can’t leave the subject blank. If you’re forwarding, editing, or replying or adding an entry to an earlier journal, you can’t change the subject. (If your reply isn’t about the original topic, create a new journal rather than replying.) This subject is also displayed in the title bar so that if you have multiple screen open you know which one it is.
Department: Choose the department this message is associated with. If you’re forwarding, editing, or replying or adding an entry to an earlier journal, you can’t change the department here. (You can change the department for the original journal with the Edit button on the journal list screen.)
Activity: More often than not, you do not need to select an activity for an email. The activities you see depend on which department you’ve chosen. If the journal isn’t related to a particular activity, leave this set to No Activity. Marketing is the exception. For a Marketer to be able to track their activities they must select one.
Security Level: To limit who can see this journal entry in Chronicle, choose a security level. If you aren’t concerned about the privacy of this message, leave the default security level of 2; this keeps it visible to all employees.
You can choose to see the recipients lists all the time or hide them until you mouse to the left to make the list visible. From this list there are many choices for locating recipients found in your data base. Not all of these fields are visible all of the time and the visibility depends on the purpose of your journal entry whether it is adding a note to the journal, sending an email, and sending a fax or text message.
- To/Cc/Bcc : The To field is always visible and and Cc/Bcc fields nly show up when used. This provides more room on the screen for the text box. If you’re adding a note to the file and not sending a message to anyone, leave these entries blank.
- Fax: From Chronicle's point of view, a fax looks like an email except that you are not sending it as an email or to an email address but to a fax number. You are able to create two different cover sheets in the MSS and even add the info in the text box to the cover sheet the recipient receives.
- SMS: Linking Chronicle to a Twilio account lets you send and receive text messages (SMS) with a mobile phone. In order for Chronicle to record this conversation within a job file, you MUST originate the text message from this Journal screen.
Docs: This field only appears if you’ve attached one or more documents with the Add Docs button. To change or remove attachments, click in this field.
Priority level: Allows you to set the level to low, normal (default), or urgent. You will only see this if there is a recipient selected.
Send From: This field only appears if you choose a recipient. You can choose any email that is associated to the email provider you have linked Chronicle too. If you choose another email outside of that you will have to set up email forward to use the address.
Request Read Receipt: Notifies that the email you sent was read.
Buttons on the Screen
- Detail about the person, job, or organization the journal entry is about.
- The Hyperlink lets you add a link to a web page. You can add a caption that is clickable or you can type the actual URL twice and they will see the actual web address.
- Predefined text lets you add commonly typed information to a journal entry without having to retype it each time. You can set up a predefined text block that contains your email signature and have Chronicle insert it into every email.
- Text from file lets you insert an web page into the journal entry.
- Link to image lets you insert images into your email. We link to images rather than store them in your data base. If you wish to send job photos use the document feature instead and send them as a document rather than individual files.
Edit: Provides cut, copy, paste, redo/undo tools, font and font color.
Add Docs: Opens the add documents screen so you can attach documents to the journal entry, including photos. The document screen that opens will be the one associated to the choice made in the about field - who the journal entry is about. If you chose a job then you will see the documents associated to the job. If you have had support set up PDF conversion to work with Chronicle, then when you attach a document to a journal entry, the convert to PDF box will pop. This will convert all attached documents into one PDF document for the recipient to receive. You are also able to attach any document on your hard drive.
Tools: Other tools that might be useful are provided here such as print, spell check, save text to file, open dictionary (the journal screen automatically checks for spelling), create reminder, and read aloud (which will read the email to you).
Common Format settings:
- Set font, font size, bold, italic.
- Orient text to the left, right, or center.
- Add bullets
Journal Text box:
This is where you type the actual content of the message. If you send this journal as a fax, this text can appear on the cover page. If you don’t have any message—for example, if you’re only sending a document—you may leave this box blank, though we recommend typing something. (For example, “The document you asked for is attached. Thanks.”)
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