The marketing manager uses reports that prepare you to make a connection with a marketing contact, that analyze the connection between marketing investments and results, and that report on marketing expenses, key dates, marketing tasks, and marketer performance.
The Marketing Manager is one of the buttons listed in the Reports section on the Home tab. You can also get to the Marketing Manager from your Tools list. (If Marketing Manager isn't in your tools list, click Edit Tools at the bottom of the page to add it.)
Header Buttons
Buttons in the header let you perform tasks that apply to multiple reports (adding notes/follow-up tasks), open other marketing tools, and export the reports to Excel. Some of these buttons are disabled until you run a report on whichever tab you're looking at. When you have a report that you like to see frequently you can save the report conditions. When selecting the saved report from your Reports list on the Home tab, it brings you to the Marketing Manager and the report exactly as you saved it.
One of the most important buttons here is the Group Manager button. You must first create marketing groups to work with.
Adding Individual Notes, Expenses, and Follow-ups:
From a single screen you can record individual detail about the contacts in the group such as activity, notes expenses, and what future actions you want to take and when.
The drop downs for Activities, Expenses, and Future Actions can be customized from the Categories tab in the Main System Setup.
To make adding such information easy there are several places in the program that give you access to this screen: through a right-click on the Scheduler Screen; on a person in the Person tab or an organization on the Organization tab; the tools lists in a person/org file and from within the Group Manager.
Add Note to All: This button allows you to add the same note to each person in the group. For example, if you delivered holiday candy to each person/location and you want to note this in the files.
Add Task for All: This button allows you to add the same follow-up task for everyone in the group. For example, the future action you wish to take with all of these contacts will be an office visit.
Graphs and Trend Reports: These let the marketer see how they are doing with their contacts.
Batch Task Completion: On at least a weekly basis, you should take a look at the marketing task that have been created and complete them. This button lets you complete a group of tasks all at once.
Right-click Menus
The right-click menus throughout the marketing reports let you add marketing expenses, follow-up tasks, key dates, and other details that are important for marketing tracking.
The Contacts Report
The Contacts report is designed to prepare you to make contact with the selected people or offices and to make it easy for you to record what you have done. It shows name, address, and phone numbers for each member of the group or category that you choose. You must first set up Groups to work with. In addition, it shows recent journals (notes, emails) and the number and value of recent jobs (based on a date you choose). The header of the report lets you choose what you want to see. Click Run Report at the top right to generate or refresh the report.
The Contact Analysis Report
The Contact Analysis report is designed to help you evaluate the connection between what you invest (direct marketing expenses and the time in marketing contacts) and your results (number a value of jobs referred). It shows both the owner and marketing reps what's being done and whether it's working.
The left side of the report shows the contacts in the group or category you've selected. It also shows the totals of the investment you've made (expenses, tasks, journals).
The central section of the report shows details on tasks or journals so you have a clearer understanding about what was invested. (You only see the task/journal detail if you've checked the corresponding boxes at the top of the screen.) The actual activity columns in the detail for tasks and journals are determined by the activities defined for the marketing department in the Main System Setup. (A key to setting these activities up is to define the primary and distinct forms of marketing action that you take (phone calls, visits, entertainment events, classes, etc.) Most companies shouldn't have more than about half a dozen marketing activities defined.)
The right side of the report shows the results: the number of jobs and the value of those jobs received during the period you've selected at the top. (The final two columns are determined based on the roles you pick in the header of the report.)
Marketing Expenses Report
The Marketing Expenses report lets any marketer generate an expense report. It also lets owners/marketing managers evaluate expenses for any date range. You can filter this report by person and/or type of expenses. (You can only use the report to look at expenses by other people if you meet the security requirement for viewing marketing expenses for others.)
This report runs automatically; you don't have to click a Run Report button to generate this report.
Marketing Tasks Report
The Marketing Tasks report shows all marketing tasks that meet the conditions you choose. An individual marketer can use it to review his/her own tasks (either completed or upcoming), or an owner/marketing manager can use this report to review what various marketers are doing.
Key Dates Report
The Key Dates report lets you find people with key dates in the date range you choose. You can single out particular types (like birthdays) or dates assigned to particular people.
If you make calls while looking at this report, you can record notes about your contact with the Individual Follow-up Notes... button at the top of the screen or by right clicking any contact and adding a quick journal.
Marketing Expense Tracking
Chronicle now lets you enter marketing expenses for either people or offices. In addition to being able to review these expenses in the person/office file, these expenses are reflected in the Contact Analysis Report and the Marketing Expenses Report.
Marketing Expenses Setup
To define the types of marketing expenses that you care about go to the Main System Setup to the Categories tab. You will most likely not use Chronicle to track all of your marketing expenses such as fuel, use of vehicle, and handing out of promotional pens, etc., but you will want to keep track of items spent directly for a specific person or office.
Marketing Videos
Included in the Marketing Manager is a shortcut to the Marketing Videos. You will find this shortcut in the upper right of the screen next to the help button.
Saved Marketing Reports
In the Marketing Manager, choose all of the conditions that you need for a specific kind of marketing report and click Save Report Conditions at the top of the screen. Set the conditions for the report, give it a name, and save. The report will be available on the Home tab. Select the Dashboard view for Home or Classic Home Page. And, unless you've made it private, will also be available to anyone else in your company who might need it.
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