If you accidentally enter the wrong number of hours when entering labor, here's how to fix it:
- At the top of the screen, click the Jobs tab.
- Find the job that the labor was entered incorrectly for.
If the job you need isn't shown in the list, use one of the options on the left to view the appropriate list of jobs. For example, to list all active jobs, click By Status, pick the department name, and then pick Active. - Click the job to select it.
- Click the Go button and then click Labor.
This brings up a labor report for the job. - Click the line that shows the incorrect number of labor hours.
- Click Options, and click Edit Labor Record Time.
- Enter the date and time when the job was completed, and click Next.
- Click Yes to confirm that you want to change the labor time.
- Enter the reason for the change.
For example, you might enter something like, "Correction of entry error." - Type the correct number of hours and press enter.
Chronicle will recalculate the labor cost based on the new number of hours. - Click the in the top right corner of the window to close the window.
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