Entering Labor
Any employee can enter labor for him or herself, or individuals with the appropriate security level can enter labor for others.
Once the Chronicle Labor Manager opens the Labor Detail & Entry tab will open and look like so:
You can manually enter labor hours or you can import labor from the calendar mobile app.
To manually enter labor:
Select Add New
If you are entering labor for yourself: Your name will be the only one to appear under Who Worked.
If you are entering labor for others: You will see a list under Who Worked with all employees who have hourly pay rates set.
If the labor is job related: Select the job to the right.
If the labor is not job related: Select the department the labor is associated with.
Once labor has been posted it will look like:
What did I do wrong?
- The person I want to add labor for is not showing up under “Who Worked”?
Adding for myself: Double check that your hourly rate is set up.
Adding for others: Double check that the employee is set as an hourly employee and that a pay rate has been set; only hourly employees with pay rates entered appear in this list. You can enter employee pay rates on the H/R tab on the person's Profile screen for the person. - The job I need to add labor for is not showing up on the list?
Double check your settings in Main Systems Setup for how many days after an activity is complete that you are able to add labor to a job. Once that number of days passes, the activity no longer shows for the job on the labor entry screen. See Production Department Labor Settings. - My entry isn’t posting?
If you click Save Labor on the labor entry screen and certain lines remain, or if you close the labor entry and choose to post, and then find those entries still there when you come back, then you have left off some required information. Make sure that you have entered a number of hours and a department. If Labor Can Be Added for Activities that are NOT on the Job is set to No (our recommended setting) on the Labor Setup screen, then you must also have selected an activity for the labor to be posted. - My entry is saying duplicate?
Double check the names, dates, and times of the entry; as well as the job name.
Example duplicate warning:Example duplicate error:
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