This tab only appears for employees, and you can only access it if you meet the requirement for the PERSONALINFOVIEW security context. (See Security Setup for help customizing security.)
Leave any entries blank that you don't know or don't care about. You can change multiple employees at once through the HR/Pay Rate tab in the Labor Manager.
Setting Pay Rates
You can only see the pay rate information on this tab if you meet the requirement for the PAYROLLVIEW security context. You can only change these entries if you meet the requirement for the PAYRATECHANGE security context. (See Security Setup for help customizing security.)
To be able to enter labor for employees, the employee must have a Pay Rate and the pay type must be Hourly. This enables Chronicle to track the cost of time spent on jobs. For salaried employees that go to jobs, enter Hourly here and enter the hourly equivalent of the pay rate. (For example, $400/week for a 40 hour week should be entered as $10.00/hour.)
The Last Raise and Previous Rate entries are only for your record-keeping; Chronicle doesn’t use these values for any calculations.
The bonus eligibility entries only need to be filled in if you use Chronicle’s automatic bonus report; see Bonus Reports for more info.
You can also edit pay rates for all employees at once through the HR/Pay Rate tab in the Labor Manager.
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