Chronicle allows you to make non-employee to employee associations.The association between these two can be made on the Contacts tab of either the employee file or the non-employee file. Once the association is made, it will show up in both files.
For example, when a Sales Rep associates themselves to all of their marketing contacts, Chronicle has settings that allow that Sales Rep to be auto-added to the job file as well when the contact is associated to the job file. In another example, suppose you buy supplies from Bywater Chemical Company, and suppose Fred Bolger is your contact there. You’d enter both the company (that is, the organization) and the person, and then associate them. That way, if Fred Bolger calls, you can look him up to see where he’s calling from, or if you forget Fred’s name, you can look up the company and find him. In other examples, you’d associate an insurance adjustor with an insurance company, a subcontractor with a subcontracting firm, etc.
When you go to the person file to the Contacts tab and click the Associate Contact button, a screen pops up that gives you choices to find a person or an organization with people associated to it. If your Sales Reps have already created marketing groups they can search for a specific group and associate themselves to each person in that group. Highlight or check them, depending on the preferences you have selected to use and click Associate Selected Contacts.
Once these associations are made in the people files, be sure to set the defaults in the Main System Setup for Auto People Actions so that when a non-employee is associated to a job, the employee will automatically be associated as well.
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