In managing the billing process, it's important to regularly check that billing hasn't been overlooked for any job. This process doesn't guarantee that the right amounts were billed, but it does guarantee that no jobs get overlooked; a situation that happens fairly regularly.
To find jobs that haven't been billed, you can either list all unbilled jobs for all departments, or you can list completed jobs that aren't billed for a single department.
Listing all unbilled jobs for all departments
This gets all jobs for all departments, but it doesn't distinguish between completed jobs and jobs that are still in progress (and hence shouldn't be billed yet). To list only completed jobs, see the following procedure.
- At the top of the screen, click the Jobs tab.
- At the right of the screen, under All Jobs by click Date Range.
Filters (which we’ll use in the next step), only look at the list that’s currently shown, so we want to make sure that the list shows all jobs we could be interested in.
For the date range, choose the range you want to check for unbilled jobs in. For example, if you are checking for unbilled jobs every month, you might want to choose a starting date that is three to six months back. So you don’t see many jobs that are still in progress (and that aren’t supposed to be billed yet), you might make the ending date a few weeks or a month in the past as well. - Click Filter Jobs (on the top left) and then click Jobs Without Billing.
The Jobs page now lists only those jobs that haven't been billed yet. If you see any jobs on this list that billable activities have been completed for, create tasks for those responsible for billing to make sure the job or activities get billed.
Listing completed jobs that haven't been billed for a single department
This includes only completed jobs for that particular department that haven't been billed; for a complete picture, repeat this procedure for each department.
- At the top of the screen, click the Jobs tab.
- In the column at the left, click Dept. Jobs and then under that click By Status.
- Select the department to see jobs for and click Next.
- For the department status, click the
and select Complete. Then click Next.
- If asked for a date range, enter starting and ending dates.
- Click Filter, highlight Accounting, and click Jobs Without Billing.
The Jobs page now lists only completed jobs for the department that haven't been billed yet. If you see any jobs on this list, create tasks for those responsible for billing to make sure the job gets billed.
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