For construction and large packout jobs, the services you sell are performed over several months. How much you sold is important--it indicates potential revenue, but it isn't revenue yet: the money isn't earned when you sell the job: you earn a portion of it each month as you complete the job. For this sort of job, it's important to be able to figure out how much you've spent to date, how much of the sales amount you've earned, and how much you're eligible to bill for this month.
This report requires entry and analysis on your part; it doesn't make the process completely automatic; what it does do is bring together all of the information you need to make intelligent decisions about what to bill.
Identifying Earned Revenue for Individual Jobs
Right-click the job, click Budget, and then click the Earned Revenue tab. This is where you must enter estimated amounts and specify how much of the estimated amount you want to bill. You'll see a screen like this:
On this screen, you'll initially fill in the amounts from the initial estimate. When ready to bill at the end of the month, you'll come back to this screen and look at the Remaining Billing and Expenses columns, and figure out how much you should bill. (Chronicle calculates Remaining Billing by subtracting what's been billed in QuickBooks from your total estimated amounts. Chronicle calculates Expenses based on all labor entered in Chronicle and all sub & materials costs from QuickBooks.)
based on how complete each activity is, what your expense were, and how much is left to bill, you'd then fill in the proposed billing amounts. The person who does the billing will then use your proposed figures to bill the job and will then zero out this column. You'd then repeat this process each month until the job is complete and fully billed.
Analyzing Sales & Revenue Across All Jobs
Once you've entered sales amounts and proposed billing amounts for individual jobs, you can then Sales & Revenue Report to view summaries for your business as a whole.
On your Home page, under Management Tools, click Sales & Revenue Report. (If this report isn't in your Tools list, click the Edit button above the list, check the box next to this report, and click Next.)
Depending on which report you pick, you can see estimated sales, remaining billing, earned revenue, or proposed billing. You can group results by Department, Estimator, or Sales Person. Chronicle shows summary figures. You can double-click any line to drill-down and get more detail.
Your Feedback is Welcome
This is the initial version of these reports. We welcome your feedback about features that we need to make these reports more useful and/or ways that we can simplify them to make the process clearer.
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