A task is a specific action, assigned to a particular person, that you want to monitor. It’s usually outside the scope of the person’s normal daily duties, though it doesn’t have to be. A few examples may make this clearer. Suppose you want John, one of your employees, to bill a completed job, to replace a lamp broken at a job, and to attend a special company meeting. You’d typically use a task for the broken lamp, but not for the billing or the meeting. Here’s why:
Billing jobs is part of John’s normally daily duties. He always does this, so you don’t need tasks to make sure he’s doing it; just assign the job to the accounting department and send him an email so he knows the job is ready to be billed. Furthermore, the Financial tab shows unbilled jobs, so you already have a way to confirm that billing has been taken care of without adding steps by creating and monitoring tasks.
However, replacing broken lamps is (hopefully) not a typical job activity. Furthermore, you not only want to ask John to do it, you also want to follow up on it and make sure a replacement is found and delivered to the customer by the end of the week. You’d assign a task for this, because you want to monitor the progress and have confirmation that it’s completed.
Attending the special company meeting, while not a normal part of John’s daily activities, doesn’t need a task because it isn’t something that you need monitor or confirm progress on. Either John is there or he isn’t, and you can see that. Since monitoring/confirmation isn’t needed, you don’t need a task; just send an email and schedule the meeting on the calendar.
So, once again, Chronicle’s task list is mainly used when you want to monitor progress or confirm completion for something that isn’t a part of an employee’s regular duties. Here are a few other examples of assignments you might use tasks for: comparing prices on a supply to see if you can get a better price, calling a customer to see if a point of dissatisfaction was acceptable resolved, taking a vehicle in for service, calling a customer to if you can use their reference in our advertising, and so on.
Not only can you create tasks but you can monitor tasks both for yourself and for others.
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