Getting to the Group Manager: You can get to the Group Manager by clicking Group Manager in your Tools list in the upper left hand corner of the Chronicle screen or on the Groups and Recalls tab.
Sending Journals to Group Members: If you want the journal to appear in each group member’s journal, you must open the Group Manager, select the group, and click Journal there.
You can also send Journals to groups from any place you add a journal by clicking Groups on the Locate Recipients screen, but journals added in this way are not added to each group member’s journal.
Viewing the Calendar for Group Members: On the Calendar tab, you can click the drop-down at the top right and choose Group to see the calendar for any group. (This is obviously chiefly useful for Personnel groups.)
Viewing Group Members: Aside from viewing group members within the Group Manager, you can also click Groups on the left on the People tab, or Group Members on the Groups & Recalls tab to see a list of members in the group.
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