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Improved Searching: You can type the first/last name (or a mix), email address containing, or even just a few letters. For example, to find Bob Smith, you might type “Bob S”, “Smith, B”, or part of his email address. (You can still also search by the old NameID.) To start another search click the "X" in the search box. We’ve also improved search speed.
To add recipients: Double-click to add to the TO entry, or use the To/Cc/Bcc/etc buttons. You can also press ENTER to add the highlighted person to the TO entry. (The up/down arrow keys change who’s highlighted.)
To add multiple people at once: Ctrl- or Shift-click to select multiple people, and then click one of the To/CC/etc buttons.
Drag and drop recipients to the message if you wish.
To see all addresses for a person: To check or update someone’s addresses, right-click and pick Show All Communication Methods…. From the dialog that comes up, you can add, change, or delete addresses, or you can pick a specific address to use.
To select/unselect all: Ctr-A selects all; Ctrl-U unselects all. Options for this are also on the right-click menu. (This is most useful when emailing groups or all employees.)
To change who’s in your Common Contacts list: use the “…” button
To hide the lookup options so you have more space for the rest of the journal: Check Minimize on Exit. Mouse over the grey bar at the left to bring it back.
Find People associated with an org/office: Click the "..." button for more options, and choose to find people for either an organization or office.
Note: Chronicle now associates all generic office emails to a generic “office contact” so when looking up such an email address you will see it displayed with “office contact” as the first name and the name of the organization as the last name. This does not change how it is sent but gives it you a label for that email address more in line with the other names in the list. If you are having any issues with this, please contact Chronicle support.
To save space, CC, BCC, Fax and Text entries are hidden unless you use the corresponding buttons to add these types of recipients.
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